CQI: How to deploy Autodesk Industry Collections

Many companies have swapped over to the new Industry Collections from the old Suites that Autodesk offered.  These collections give access to much more software that was previously available, however when it comes to installation each product is treated individually, almost like a stand alone product.  Although Autodesk allow deployments to be created for each product in the suite, there is no combined installer for all products.  These in turn then need to be installed individually onto each client PC often in the right order ... a little bit time consuming I'm sure you agree.

CQI: How to deploy Autodesk Industry Collections

So is there a better way to manage this?

Personally I find that once your over 10 seats this becomes a very tedious process.  Each company and department is different and I regularly find there are several challenges that we face when deploying out CAD Software:

  • No common workstation environment, (OS and pre-requirements etc)
  • Limited user rights on workstation
  • Multiple configurations of an application
  • Application side by side installations
  • Installation order
  • Time consuming local manual configuration (after installation)
  • Update management
  • Multiple variants of language packs
  • License server pointers
  • Data size

These challenges can make what should be a simple installation, complex and time consuming. 

Here at Symetri we mitigate these challenges and the limitations in the Autodesk Collections Deployment methodology by using our CQI solution


CQI is a solution that takes care of both installation, maintenance and configuration of CAD applications, other 3rd party applications and their customisations. 

Our dedicated team have spent time packaging the collections ready for installation at client sites, making the installation of these collections as quick and straight forward as possible.  CQI currently has more than 3000 users many of which have had this tailored to their environment to include Corporate and Departmental cad data as well as other tools used by the design teams.  It can be directly installed or triggered via SCCM allowing it to be scaled from small to larger organisations. 

Why not get in touch and find out how CQI could help you deploy out.


Använda lager i Bluebeam Revu

02 december 2024

Bluebeam Revu® gör det möjligt att skapa PDF-dokument med en lagerstruktur som organiserar ditt innehåll på det sätt som passar din organisation bäst.

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Bluebeam Revu – 4 snabba tips & tricks

28 november 2024

När det gäller Bluebeam Revu® kommer det alltid att finnas mer än ett sätt att utföra en uppgift. Alla genvägar för att förbättra effektiviteten är alltid uppskattade. Nedan finns några tips och tricks som jag tror att alla Revu-användare borde känna till.

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Hantera alla dina dokument i Sovelia Core

22 november 2024

När det gäller hantering av tekniska dokument använder många av våra kunder Sovelia Core för att lagra och organisera viktiga filer såsom CAD-ritningar, specifikationer och användarmanualer. Men visste du att Sovelia Core kan hantera alla typer av dokument, inte bara de tekniska?  Du kan hantera bilder, offerter, ordrar, specifikationer, avtal - allt i samma system. Du behöver inte en separat dokumenthanteringslösning eftersom Sovelia Core har allt du behöver inbyggt! Sovelia Core började som ett dokumenthanteringssystem, varför denna funktion har varit en central del av plattformen redan från allra första början.

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