Senior Sustainability Business Development Consultant
Join Symetri as a Senior Sustainability Business Development Consultant.
Som student tillför du ett stort värde för oss som organisation. Vi erbjuder möjlighet för dig som student inom Datateknik och Maskinteknik att skriva ditt examensarbete hos oss och/eller att arbeta extra parallellt under studieperioden alternativ under sommaren.
Vi på Symetri arbetar för att skräddarsy digitala produktlösningar för BIM, produktdesign och livscykelhantering tillsammans med våra kunder, så att de kan få mer gjort på kortare tid. Vi vill utmana människor att arbeta smartare för en bättre framtid.
Inom vårt affärsområde Manufacturing (MFG) fokuserar vi på att hjälpa våra kunder att bistå med lösningar för framtidens utmaningar inom tillverkningsindustrin.
Som student tillför du och ditt examensarbete ett stort värde för oss som organisation. Du får i gengäld möjlighet att knyta värdefulla kontakter, skaffa dig kompetens, erfarenhet och förstås att lära känna oss som en möjlig framtida arbetsgivare.
We are looking for engineering students to help us with some development tasks. We have a wide spectrum of tasks that could be done and will gladly have a discussion to find something that matches your interests. Some Examples:
Send your application to now!
We also offer Master Thesis and other opportunities within Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering.
If you have any other suggestions on topics for theses other than the ones below, please feel free to submit these to
When working against an ever-changing data set it is important to ensure that your local files always are up to date. These data sets vary but can be hundreds of thousands of files with varying size, this can be a rather time consuming check.
We would like for you to explore the most optimal way of comparing the version control data to local data. Are there any already existing algorithms that is the way forward or will you have to implement some new completely?
We offer Master Thesis, Summer jobs and other opportunities within Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering.
Azem Bunjaku
Team Lead & Product Manager
+46 722 525 854
The demands on companies to work with sustainability are increasing. More businesses are facing the challenge of working sustainably for a better future. At Symetri, we want to aid companies with this task.
The main goal of this project is to produce a template model with sustainability calculations to be used in our design automation projects. To succeed with this, we wish for you to:
You will be working mainly in the configuration tool Tacton Design Automation, as well as Autodesk Inventor. We will provide the training necessary to complete your assignment in these tools.
We offer Master Thesis, Summer jobs and other opportunities within Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering.
Azem Bunjaku
Team Lead & Product Manager
+46 722 525 854
Planning the mechanical design can in an early stage prevent design issues and adds a lot of values to internal departments. But due to historical and practical reasons not all instances of mechanical design are included in 3D models.
One example of such an instance is the hose. It is in general not practical to include hoses in 3D models due to the difficulty of designing something with a natural flexibility, and it could even prove time consuming in the workshop to work with such models.
However, as hoses are usually neglected in design, we do not fully understand the potential drawbacks in doing so. What could the potential impact on for example quality, waste and environmental footprint be if every detail would be included in the design? What potential benefits and/or drawbacks could be expected if the way we design 3D models would change?
We offer Master Thesis, Summer jobs and other opportunities within Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering.
Azem Bunjaku
Team Lead & Product Manager
+46 722 525 854
We are working on software that helps the design of pipes and cables in a CAD 3D environment. An important aspect to simplify this process is to correctly create reasonable suggestions from point A to point B. There can be multiple strategies and constrains to consider when optimising for a solution.
How to tackle this in the best way is open, but the general idea is to explore the cutting edge of 3D pathfinding algorithms, while applying constraints that comes from real life manufacturers. This could be fixing the angles of bends, or requiring certain slopes, minimizing the number of cuts per pipe in case they are bought in a prefixed size etc.
We offer Master Thesis, Summer jobs and other opportunities within Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering.
Azem Bunjaku
Team Lead & Product Manager
+46 722 525 854