Five challenges facing manufacturing companies – do you recognise them?

Many of the manufacturing and product development companies I visit, big and small, struggle with similar challenges. Here are the five most common ones I have encountered: 

Five challenges facing manufacturing companies – do you recognise them?

#1: The employees in the design department spend a lot of time maintaining, supporting and providing product information to other departments at the company.

#2: The company’s development department lacks a structured way to manage changes. This increases the chances of things that have been decided never being carried out. In the worst case, this results in incorrect purchases, production based on the wrong documentation and delivering the wrong solution to the customer.

#3: The company sometimes finds it difficult to stick to cost targets and delivery times as it works in an unstructured and inefficient way and therefore has to duplicate a lot of work.

#4: It is difficult to get an overview and meet all the requirements that have been agreed with the customer, increasing the risk of not delivering the right technical solution at the right cost or the right time.

#5: When the customer calls and wants his or her products serviced, the company does not have full control of what has been delivered to the customer and can therefore not offer a quick and efficient service solution. In the worst case, this leads to a production stop for the customer.

I will be sharing my thoughts and experiences on each of these challenges. Follow Symetri’s blog

At Symetri, we have a solution called SOVELIA PLM. It can support you to solve the above problems . Sovelia can be implemented gradually and extended as required. Both parts are often a requirement of success. Contact me and I’ll tell you more or call +46 31 703 40.


Använda lager i Bluebeam Revu

02 december 2024

Bluebeam Revu® gör det möjligt att skapa PDF-dokument med en lagerstruktur som organiserar ditt innehåll på det sätt som passar din organisation bäst.

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Bluebeam Revu – 4 snabba tips & tricks

28 november 2024

När det gäller Bluebeam Revu® kommer det alltid att finnas mer än ett sätt att utföra en uppgift. Alla genvägar för att förbättra effektiviteten är alltid uppskattade. Nedan finns några tips och tricks som jag tror att alla Revu-användare borde känna till.

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Hantera alla dina dokument i Sovelia Core

22 november 2024

När det gäller hantering av tekniska dokument använder många av våra kunder Sovelia Core för att lagra och organisera viktiga filer såsom CAD-ritningar, specifikationer och användarmanualer. Men visste du att Sovelia Core kan hantera alla typer av dokument, inte bara de tekniska?  Du kan hantera bilder, offerter, ordrar, specifikationer, avtal - allt i samma system. Du behöver inte en separat dokumenthanteringslösning eftersom Sovelia Core har allt du behöver inbyggt! Sovelia Core började som ett dokumenthanteringssystem, varför denna funktion har varit en central del av plattformen redan från allra första början.

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