Coffee with Mikaela

Mikaela Prahl Nilsson is the Partnership Manager at Symetri. We talked about how Symetri allows you to find your own pathway. And Mikaela has the perfect pair of shoes for every step.

So, what are you drinking?
Espresso, for a quick energy shot. Or, if we’re in a bar it’s absolutely Aperol Spritz – without question.

And what’s your go-to snack to have with your coffee?
A croissant – preferably with chocolate.

Following a degree in tourism and travel, Mikaela worked in conferencing before moving into sales and sold recruitment to different organisations.

So, what led you to Symetri?
I was working in recruitment, and I had the opportunity to meet the CEO of Symetri, which was my first introduction to the company. So, it was kind of by chance. I really liked the culture at Symetri and the opportunities for growth and decided that was where I wanted to be. And I’ve no intention of leaving. 

And what attracted you to the organization?
What I liked – and still like – about Symetri is that they have so much courage; they’re not afraid to try new things and trust people to go with their own ideas. And they really care for their colleagues. There’s a great atmosphere. There’s no formal hierarchy, you can talk to anyone or approach anyone with your ideas.

Has your role changed in the four years you’ve been with Symetri ?
Yes, my role has changed quite a lot. Initially, I sold a single product. Then another product and another product. But then I noticed there was a need for a Partnership Manager, a role that didn’t exist. So, I talked about it with my boss and asked if I could take on that responsibility, and they said ‘go for it’. So, really, I kind of created my own role. Symetri gives you the opportunity to do that.

What does a typical day look like?
Honestly, no two days are the same, and that's one of the things I love. However, I have regular calls with all the vendors and ensure that all internal teams have everything they need. This can involve making sure the sales and order teams have the all the knowledge they need, and supporting the leadership team by advising on the information they can share in meetings.

And what have been some of your biggest challenges?
I suppose the biggest constant challenge is finding the right path to take with our products. That means taking into account everyone’s aims, objectives, and opinions – and finding the path that is good for Symetri and offers the best for our customers across different markets

And any new challenges ahead?
Yes, my focus for this year is to create a more process-based sales framework. So, it's not just about discussing functions, but also helping customers with their processes, ensuring they work more efficiently, and extracting the best value from our products. Because, essentially, we are more than just sales; we’re trusted advisers.

What do you think makes Symetri a different kind of organization to work for, what do you like about it?
One of the really great things is that you really can speak to anyone. So, if you have an idea, you can trust that the leadership will listen to you and support you. Symetri values ideas and doesn't mind where they come from.

If you could swap jobs with anyone at Symetri, work in another role for a week, who would it be?
Honestly, I really love the role I have. The great thing about Symetri is that you can take your role wherever you want to go. So, I can't think of anybody I'd want to swap with.

Are there any Symetri social events or activities you're involved in?
We like to go out after work quite regularly, which is great because colleagues become friends.

What about away from work, how do you like to relax?
Well, most of my time is taken up with my two young boys – driving them to all their sports and activities. When I do get time to myself, I enjoy Pilates, adventures, I like cooking a lot and enjoys a day of shopping, particularly for shoes. But my absolute favourite thing is to go out and eat a great dinner with a nice glass of wine or champagne with friends.

How many pairs of shoes do you have?
Er... About 60. I can never throw them away!

Finally, what advice would you give to anyone considering or just starting their career at Symetri?
Never leave a thought behind. Don’t stop believing in what you can do. Always pursue your vision.

The espresso

Quick answers

I tend to listen to books mostly so I can multitask. I enjoy thrillers.

Listening to
All sorts. Recently, House music, and jazz.

Interesting fact
I used to compete in synchronised swimming.

If you could have a superpower
I’d like to be invisible and to be able to fly.

Couldn’t live without.
Family and friends, first and foremost then adventures and new experiences!

Symetri in three words
Courage. Teamwork. Caring

Mikaela interviewing Appelquist Architects, Nordic BIM Summit 2023
Mikaela interviewing Appelquist Architects, Nordic BIM Summit 2023
In the ski slopes!
In the ski slopes!

If you’re looking to work in a technology environment, eager to progress at your own pace with the encouragement of those around you, and feel you’d fit right into the Symetri approach to teamwork, get in touch.